This post has a child post. (post #190161)

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comments from tatenaka:
1 (stick figure): “I decided on the cut’s overall rhythm: the motion of the head and the spacing between the drawings [timing]. His path of motion changes suddenly when he makes contact with the ice, so I decided to show that mistake〜☆”

2 (construct lines): “I lay out the proportions of his torso and pelvis (butt)~. In fact his arms move faster than that [in the CG reference footage?], but since the frames whip by at 24 frames per second [this cut is drawn on the ones], I was sure to adjust the path of motion and pose a bit to make it easier to see〜☆”

3 (filled in figure): “I refined my drawings to get across the power of his movements through stuff like the followthrough of his hair and secondary action. After getting the followthrough laid down, the drama becomes richer and the intensity of feeling doubles☆”