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The background Animation here is insane, really hoping it gets subbed in English in the future.
This whole cut is nuts! Some really colorful and vibrant impact frames here. Such a neat style.
Holy shit! This is absolutely amazing!
There is just one word to desrcribe this : STUNNING
Damn, this is actually amazing, the compositing is very well done, and of course the animation is crazy, I definitely need to know who worked on it, some real talent is in this.
Absolutely fantastic. I'd love to see production materials for some of these cuts, as I'm really curious what they looked like before the composite
Wow, this even made my substance abused body and soul feel all tingly things. This and Super Broly is next level fighting sakuga. Especially when it's about the display of speed, extreme power and impact.
Saw the whole thing, and I came back here, absolutely loved the sakuga they had.
This animation is basically if naotoshi shida action and yutaka nakamura animation had a baby