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This show just gets more impressive honestly I'm surprised its quality improved, what a great show every animator deserves like so much credit for this
According to Liem on Twitter the credits goes as fellows, however they couldn't remember all of them.
0:00-1:11 Tom Barkel
1:15-1:18; 1:27-1:38; 1:44-1:51; 1:53-2:05 Me (Liem Nguyen)
1:52-1:53 @thekoffeekid Cheeks Requerion
2:05 Jaidon Powell

Thank you for uploading this. My parts are also on
0:00 - 0:06
0:10 - 0:20
Rise of the TMNT is so insane. The show just keeps getting better and better imo
this is still my favorite sequence from the series
We need more shows animated like this