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Kind of vague but this scene looks fairly Umetsu to me.
source: https://twitter.com/miyaziman/status/1140297016838279168?
> 稲野さんはリン・ミンメイもそうだけど、逆シャアのアムロとシャアの殴り合うカットとかOVAポケ戦のバーニィのビデオレターとか、記憶に残るカットを手掛けられた凄い方なんです
“Sweet Water” is place name in the work.
However, this scene is set in “ Londenion(place name)”.
kiyotaka_chang said:
“Sweet Water” is place name in the work.
However, this scene is set in “ Londenion(place name)”.
I thought Sweetwater was the name of the colony this scene took place on. Which scene am I mixing this up with?

edit: Oh wait, this is the scene after the conference where Char negotiates ownership of Axis under the guise of using it to house refugees from Sweetwater. It's been so long since I properly watched CCA that I mixed the locations up. My bad.
No worries.

Yasuomi Umetsu was featured on "月刊アニメスタイル2号”.
"Information of Umetsu in this work" appeared in this.
It is as follows.

>小黒(Yuichiro Oguro/interviewer)(『逆襲のシャア』で)列車の中で、シャアが花束をもらうシーンの原画を(梅津さんが)担当されているじゃないですか。
梅津 あのシーンは、富野さん(director)から「東洋人やアジア人だけじゃなくて、いろんな国の人を描いてほしい」と、打ち合わせで言われたんじゃなかったかなあ。だから、富野さんからは画が違っていても注意されなくて、北爪(宏幸)君(animation director)と安心した記憶がある。