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Kitakubo says on Twitter that Only him ,Hashimoto ,Kishida and Goda participated in the OP (and we have the parts for everyone) https://twitter.com/LawofGreen/status/424466253080952832 .He also says Hashimoto is responsible for the big hands/gloves https://twitter.com/LawofGreen/status/450148514832453632 . In the web interview Hashimoto too says that he did cuts of Noa working on her labor and is responsible for the big mikey mouse sized hands on these scenes. So he most likely did a couple of the cuts here that werent included in the Child post (0:00-0:07) of her working on her labor. Big hands in 0:03-0:04, and 0:06-0:07 are the same as in the later cuts so at the very least he did those ones
GKalai said:
Kitakubo says on Twitter that Only him ,Hashimoto ,Kishida and Goda participated in the OP (and we have the parts for everyone) https://twitter.com/LawofGreen/status/424466253080952832 .He also says Hashimoto is responsible for the big hands/gloves https://twitter.com/LawofGreen/status/450148514832453632 . In the web interview Hashimoto too says that he did cuts of Noa working on her labor and is responsible for the big mikey mouse sized hands on these scenes. So he most likely did a couple of the cuts here that werent included in the Child post (0:00-0:07) of her working on her labor. Big hands in 0:03-0:04, and 0:06-0:07 are the same as in the later cuts so at the very least he did those ones
well to be fair, at least in these scenes the big hands make perfectly sense, usually that kind of work gloves are very big xD