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Unless i'm able to confirm something, i don't think i'll ever have a clear grasp on who did what for this.

The Bank and cuts up to 0:13 feel like something one of the Senior mecha specialists like Maeda (who has his Main animator role for this episode) or Habara would handle.

The explosion from 0:14-0:19 could likely be Takuya Matsumura, but given the stacked KA list it could also be someone else, like maybe Ohki.

Everything else, same deal, possibly Matsumura, could be someone else.

I'll inevitably keep coming back to look over this, but for now, I'll tag it like this: Maeda AD at the very least, pretty clearly touched up the character art, maybe did the bank.

Matsumura presume for the explosion, and i'll keep an Artist Unknown, just to be safe.