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Weilin KAMI once again at it

When you look closely frame by frame, the work he put in shading the characters according to their movement and cloth, it's actually ridiculious ... The SHADING on the skin and fabric is just mindblowing ...
That camera move at 0:35 is insane! Weilin never fails to impress.
weilin isn't just a good or great animator
what he is doing should be illegal

we're witnessing someone really special in the history of animation

he is literally an animation genius
if genga is like this does this mean he did his own inbetweening?
amirdrama said:
if genga is like this does this mean he did his own inbetweening?
yes, weilin very rarely accepts much help from in-between artists and tends to draw them himself
Douga involves more than doing inbetween frames. They trace all the frames so that they can be painted digitally.

So his cuts still go through douga phase. Also in some cuts, he used nakawari sankou (inbetween reference), you can notably see that the second cut doesn't have shading on some frames. The inbetweener had to finish these frames.