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Did Tu solo KA this episode? Everything seems to be from him
Sabotower said:
Did Tu solo KA this episode? Everything seems to be from him
He tried but he had to work in another episode (next one im guessing since is the big one) so solo KA the first part (until comercial break) and and after comercial did 50 cuts more.
TheMr.PrinceKnight said:
He tried but he had to work in another episode (next one im guessing since is the big one) so solo KA the first part (until comercial break) and and after comercial did 50 cuts more.
Damn that's impressive. I haven't seen the NEP, anything that looks like him there?
Sabotower said:
Damn that's impressive. I haven't seen the NEP, anything that looks like him there?
I'm kinda noob yet at guessing but in preview i guessed Ishizuka and Shida for sure and something that reminded me to Ryo Onishi work in Stampede as well but im definitively not sure of that one, maybe other animator triying to emulate his style? or it is posible that he made 1 scene return to the OP anime even if is majorety of his work is centered in making movies nowadays? . . . Not impossible but not probable anyways.

I not guessed Tu but i only guess him right like half of the time so not a big statement for my part and of course maybe he is in the episode just not in the preview.
TheMr.PrinceKnight said:
He tried but he had to work in another episode (next one im guessing since is the big one) so solo KA the first part (until comercial break) and and after comercial did 50 cuts more.
Tu definitely won't be on 925, I'm pretty sure he was referring to 915