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God damn, it has been forever since Yoshinari did something this fucking crazy.
Leave it to Yoshinari to deliver an insane climax. One of the highlights of the film for sure.
These colors almost make it look like genga. Also that background animation makes me feel a type of way.
The use of perspective and sense of the scale in this single cut is unreal, not to mention how masterfully Yoshinari turns this cyan fire into so many different elements from explosions, impacts, lightning, smoke, dragon, mecha, fire, liquid, beam etc.

What a treat.

The shots panning through the clouds might lowkey be my favorite part of this masterpiece, such a simple idea that conveys so much with only a few frames.
Yoshinari's most impressive effort since the climax of the first Gurren Lagann movie, simply jawdropping.
Galo De Lion punching the earth is actually a metaphor for what Yoshinari's animation does to my brain
Leave it to Yoshinari to blow my mind with that climax, was already a movie with super talents and he is the legend.