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Scene shouldn't be his, they specifically separate 原画 and –原 in the video so I have to assume he's just crediting some form of clean up since it was confirmed Aoki's scene quite awhile ago. (I have no idea what –原 means either but its different than 原画 if they're both in the video).
KamKKF said:
Scene shouldn't be his, they specifically separate 原画 and –原 in the video so I have to assume he's just crediting some form of clean up since it was confirmed Aoki's scene quite awhile ago. (I have no idea what –原 means either but its different than 原画 if they're both in the video).
Separate "原画" and "一原" in the video. I think it's just because the production process of Japanese animation is different from Chinese animation
I'd only tag him on a work if it has his name listed as 原画 just to be safe, since this is confirmed Aoki already.
一原is literally ichigen, i'm guessing kam's assumption is mostly correct in that he probably finished Aoki's rough because credited rough is distinguished as 动草 instead of ichigen here (normally ichigen's implication is that it was rough). I don't know enough about either Aoki or Yang's style to distinguish if the final product has more of the former or the latter's input, but i'd agree with keeping Aoki rn since as Kam mentioned the distinction does seem to imply less input in the final product.
Ah to clarify I know what 一原 means but I wasn't familiar as to how he was using it in this context lol, and how much it contributed to the final product here (and whether or not it's worth tagging). It's not something regularly used in the Japanese pipeline after all.
Gotcha, it is quite admittedly ambiguous here. I'm gonna try to look for more info, but otherwise, the mention in the comment should be appropriate. (Definitely above basic cleanup work, but likely not enough to tag)

Gonna use edit to respond cuz the comments on this has gotten quite bloated, thanks geth for the explanation, I was having trouble finding anything about this unfortunately.
For the record, Aoki was asked about both action scenes for this episode and claimed both of them. If I had to guess, I think he served as a pseudo action director and fixed Tingmu Yang' rough LO before it got passed to another 2nd KA.

So there's at least 3 genga animators involved in each cut and given how messy VS's production was at this point, that's not too surprising