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credits are in order for this episode so I dont think this'd be torii. the smoke looks different from his usual effects work anyways.
KamKKF said:
credits are in order for this episode so I dont think this'd be torii. the smoke looks different from his usual effects work anyways.
Are you sure the credits are in order? This episode's last cut is almost impossible to be his cut. Well, I think the line is similar to his style, and the smoke is similar to the water he draws.
Rancho said:
Are you sure the credits are in order? This episode's last cut is almost impossible to be his cut. Well, I think the line is similar to his style, and the smoke is similar to the water he draws.
yeah, chris and kanno have a back to back scene and they're credit next to each other, plus the fact that hayate sato has a scene confirmed in the later half of the episode and his credit is placed later in the list. I rewatched the last scene and its awfully interlaced and also cacani'd so it could be him, just ruined work.
KamKKF said:
yeah, chris and kanno have a back to back scene and they're credit next to each other, plus the fact that hayate sato has a scene confirmed in the later half of the episode and his credit is placed later in the list. I rewatched the last scene and its awfully interlaced and also cacani'd so it could be him, just ruined work.
Okay. But I still cant believe the last cut is Torii's, with no his obake and he never draws similar scene. Maybe the credits are just partly in order?
is he separated at the end? because sometimes credits can be in order but they pull people out of the order for the separate credit
PurpleGeth said:
is he separated at the end? because sometimes credits can be in order but they pull people out of the order for the separate credit
No. And in fact, Kanno draws 2 or 3 parts (I dont remember), it is more possible that he should be separated if it is completely in order.