We are dealing with at least 100+ posts every two days, so not all the posts are seen by all the moderation staff at the same time. Sometimes an approved post can be deleted aftwerwards if another member of the staff thinks it is not good enough. In these cases the person who deletes it writes something along the lines "on a second thought....". Not before asking the rest of the staff if they are okay with the new decision.

The only wrong doing this time it was that the reason was left unexplained, hence the confusion.

A few members of the staff have been quite vocal in the last few months about the Banananana uploads we had approved, so one day we decided to go over them and make some cleaning.

And about the Uzumaid thingy, there was only a deleted post that was replaced later by me. And there the reason was stated and clear. If possible, we always avoid AT-X raws, they are the worst.