These replies clarify quite a bit for me and those who might have the same questions as me. :)

aers said:

I don't have time to read your entire post right this second but I took a glance at it and you raise some valid points. I'll try and give you a proper response in the next few days, I'm just a bit busy right now.
Appreciated. *thumbs up*

Ashita said:
I don't tend to moderate the comments section, but I guess I should address your doubts as you keep mentioning me. That Bahi episode was quite a mess to moderate, honestly, as users jumped the wagon when he kept ghostly-tweeting screencaps. The original uploader, HachiKirra, first uploaded the complete scene which included Bahi's work, but also another animator's work. So, when he realized this fact, he asked me via PM (I don't bite and I even reply!) if he could re-upload the scene splitting the animators, which I agreed. So, when users kept wrongly tagging Bahi in post #22745 I just asked for it to stop (it's even confirmed by him that he didn't do that part). I honestly didn't see your question back then, and I had already discussed this topic in the sakuga channel, so I kinda assumed that the discussion was done.

Which lead us to post #25100. When I saw your question I thought you were just a really really bad troll. I mean, if you watch the genga and then click the link to the parent post, it leads you to Bahi's post. A post which is correctly tagged, where you can't read any comment whatsoever and it is fucking identical to the genga. There isn't even one cut from the artist unknown post. So I didn't understand why you were trying to start a fight and I decided to delete the post instead of replying in such a manner that would you feel embarrassed. My bad I guess.

And that's my part, I'll leave the other queries to the other mods.
Thanks for shedding some light on this. You revealed to me that I had a confused and incomplete understanding of the Kabaneri re-uploads. For the record, I just hastily copypasted my comment from the longer Kabaneri upload onto the newer, non-Bahi one without realizing the nature of how the re-uploads had been split up.

Know this, though: I will never be embarassed by getting corrected. I welcome it and want to learn. Mistakes come before knowledge, and confusion often comes before clarity. If you had decided to respond to me back then - even while heatedly thinking I was a bad troll, we both would've probably walked away peacefully satisfied - and me a tad more informed.

Thanks to you two for outlining some context and history describing what mental angle staff members approach comments from.

Now that I'm more aware of how staff members view each particular channel of communication, I'll be sure to utilize each of them for their separate, compartmentalized purposes - comments, forums, PMs, Twitter - what have you - to make my experiences with this site/community(?) more fluid.

Hm. I see I might've come across as naive to you, kViN. I don't unrealistically think that everyone's here to comment with good intentions, but I have [seen enough cases of fighting fire with kerosene on this site and others] and have [personally prevented or put out many fires with peaceful approaches in my internet history] to know that the approach to people I described in the opening post can only improve the scene here - not make it vulnerable. This is not to say that you'd become a pushover and not take administrative action when needed, but you're likely to much more effectively discern the good-intentioned people from the trolls and further interact with them accordingly.