Ballroom E Youkoso (2017) - Creditless OP & ED Sequences??
I've gone all over the web- back to front, dived into as many torrent sites as I can and I can't seem to find any sources that even mention creditless versions of the anime's opening and ending sequences.

Back in 2020, I created a compilation of all the dances in Ballroom E Youkso's anime adaptation (first cour). I'm currently working on a sequel which would involve a compilation of all the dance sequences in the anime's second cour. In addition, I hope to merge these two videos together in a future upload to home all the sequences in one collective video. Therefore, I'm hoping to find the creditless versions for the opening and ending sequences for this latter project.

I swear I've seen the creditless openings and endings floating around somewhere in the past- hell, it was even on YouTube at one point, so it must be a thing somewhere! ;-; Small snippets of its existence can even be found here on sakugabooru in its respective section.

If anyone has got any ideas or pointers as to where I could obtain this footage, it would mean wonders!

Thank you! ^w^