This website is outdated
I have been browsing this site for more than a year, but I've noticed how outdated it truly is. Why isn't there any options to view a shows Sakuga from most upvoted to least upvoted. Why can't I see an animators specific work just on one series instead of having to browse through all the series they've contributed to. Why can't I just see swordplay sakuga within just one series? I feel like more options could improve accessibility to the site.
Not blaming you because most booru's have you fend for yourself but this hurt to read lol. As Geth said you can do 99% of what you just said barring the last option. Hope this page helps.
the last request is also possible but only because there is a sword animation pool

at the bottom of the pool you'll see `index view` which brings you to this page:

and then you can add the series you want to filter, like Gintama for example:
Thanks guys for correcting me, I didn't even know those were possibilities
Although Imagine how effective it would be if you didn't have to constantly type these commands for every single series or animator