About preserving all cuts in a scene
(Opinion alert: the following topic contains much of my opinion, it is not the absolute truth, in reality Just want to know someone else's opinion on the topic!

Shida's latest scene in digimon #28 (https://www.sakugabooru.com/post/show/193373) took a flag to be deleted for the matter of containing several static scenes.

The whole scene is made by Shida with the intention of being static at certain points, I believe that if it was an unnecessary cut and was not made by the animator, it is okay to make certain cuts, even to maintain the flow, but when it directly impacts the way it occurs, I think it was kind of incorrect. This topic comes to mind mainly because many scenes contain static cuts but made by the animator in question.

As an example has the post178264 with scene made by Yoshiyama, several static scenes but all done by Yosihyama, ie cuts are unnecessary here

Are there any other people who agree with this besides me?
thanks for the attention
Trying to replace a post just to remove cuts that are already confirmed to be an artist is almost never going to work unless you have a *very* good reason for it. Usually posts are replaced to split artists or to upgrade the quality that is rather outdated from years ago, so when these posts comes up they're usually handled about the same.

About editing out stills/dull parts, sometimes its warranted as a scene is constructed in a way that won't make for a worthwhile viewing experience on the site and will have people clicking off before it even gets to an interesting half. In other cases removing a 1-3 second still or conservative cut has little to no bearing on how a user will actually interact with a post, especially if placed at the middle or end. Some animators hate it when their scenes are edited to begin with so sakugabooru has to balance editing scenes for user entertaining and engagement as we don't exist solely as an achieve and respecting both the intent of the scene and the animator in question if they have a particular problem with how their scene is altered in the final post. A case by case situation.