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Am I the only one that finds it a bit strange that most of the other Z sakuga posts are in 16:9 but this in 4:3?
Woodlandbuckle said:
Am I the only one that finds it a bit strange that most of the other Z sakuga posts are in 16:9 but this in 4:3?
Very few of the Z movies have fullscreen releases where the added benefit of the full frame beats out the quality of the image.
Ajay said:
Very few of the Z movies have fullscreen releases where the added benefit of the full frame beats out the quality of the image.
I did some more research into it. How did the person who uploaded this get high quality footage any way?
Woodlandbuckle said:
I did some more research into it. How did the person who uploaded this get high quality footage any way?
This is just a recent French release. Several of the movies had very high quality 4:3 versions. Not all of them, sadly.