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SpencerWan said:
I did the rough passes for majority of this and Sam Deats got some cuts in as well.
dash56 said:
I like the way the action is set up but the movements seem off. I don't really know, it feels a bit choppy in some parts or maybe it's just me.
SpencerWan said:
It's not just you. We had some problems translating my digital motion guides to paper so there are moments where the characters pop out of position and we didn't have the time to entirely correct it. This is also true of the cyclops sequence.
0:00 - 0:04 Spencer Wan
0:04 - 0:07 Sam Deats
0:08 - 0:43 Spencer Wan
0:44 - 0:48 Sam Deats
0:49 - 0:50 Spencer Wan
0:51 - 0:53 Sam Deats
0:54 - 1:01 Spencer Wan
1:02 - end Sam Deats

Most of this was tied down and cleaned by MUA film, but all the movement is fundamentally Spencer or Sam's. Timestamps are based on the production material Spencer posted.
Worth noting for the sake of transparency there's two weak (likely outsourced) dialogue cuts cut out from 0:15.7. They were the only reason why this scene was previously split