My topic got deleted, I think.
Sometimes ago I've created a topic "A way to search for newer/older anime or anime from a specific decade" (it's still was in the cache of my browser) and I saved the link to it to check on it from time to time ( ) and now as you can see it leads to an empty page. I wasn't expecting much of a response, honestly I posted it with the smallest of hopes and wasn't going to push for it any further. Mostly I was expecting it to eventually drown in the list of newer topics, but seeing it getting deleted outright is a little strange. Why?
Yoksven said:
My topic got deleted, I think.
Sometimes ago I've created a topic "A way to search for newer/older anime or anime from a specific decade" (it's still was in the cache of my browser) and I saved the link to it to check on it from time to time ( ) and now as you can see it leads to an empty page. I wasn't expecting much of a response, honestly I posted it with the smallest of hopes and wasn't going to push for it any further. Mostly I was expecting it to eventually drown in the list of newer topics, but seeing it getting deleted outright is a little strange. Why?
I'm not sure that the pots was actually deleted, the sites recent outage caused -12hrs worth of posts to be lost my assumption is that you got caught in that (ofc I don't know just a guess)
Yes, it's one of the few things that got sent into the void, you just happened to get caught in a hardware implosion.

As for the answer: it's not the type of info we want to tag, not because it's a bad idea or anything, but rather because of the tremendous effort of applying it retroactively and also the fact that it's basically a whole new category of data and we're always wary of opening new cans of worms - avoiding tag bloat was one of the few things everyone agreed about regarding the site's philosophy. If people really want to, though, maybe using pools is a decent compromise? It's less of a commitment since they're not official tags or anything.
when i try to upload clips i do everything like said in the guidelines but when i press upload it says undefined and doesnt upload i really dont know what im supposed to do
bigman said:
when i try to upload clips i do everything like said in the guidelines but when i press upload it says undefined and doesnt upload i really dont know what im supposed to do
same i've been having this issue for some weeks now
That likely means the video file you're trying to upload has an audio track, even if it's an empty one.
kViN said:
That likely means the video file you're trying to upload has an audio track, even if it's an empty one.
thanks it works now
the site has been incredibly slow as of late on my end, idk if that is happening with others but it has been going on for several days now
zaris said:
the site has been incredibly slow as of late on my end, idk if that is happening with others but it has been going on for several days now
Should be better now!
Does anybody know what's been going on with the site?
Soninso said:
Does anybody know what's been going on with the site?
It was either being scrapped or DDoS'd, just enough to greatly slow down everything but not enough to get Cloudflare to flag is an attack (which it might not be, it's not necessarily malicious in nature). We've switched the protection to address that so the site itself works perfectly right now, just under regular Cloudflare checks that visitors are legit. Should be automatic unless you're for some reason flagged as suspicious by the system, at which point you'd just have to input a captcha. I imagine this has broken some external services but it's only a temporary measure, and as you can imagine, making the site itself run well is much more important.
Hi. I'm wondering if there is a way to delete my account. I no longer wish to be seen on this site. Could you please help? I'm also wondering if there is a way for you to help me access my former account, zrockhold23.