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Weird how Ryo Sakamoto doesn't have any other cuts logged on the Booru. With skills like these, I feel like he should pop up more often.
MerrBear said:
Weird how Ryo Sakamoto doesn't have any other cuts logged on the Booru. With skills like these, I feel like he should pop up more often.
I find it bizarre as well. What other shows did he work on anyways?
MerrBear said:
Weird how Ryo Sakamoto doesn't have any other cuts logged on the Booru. With skills like these, I feel like he should pop up more often.
I think he has, he just tagged as "artist unknown" because no one can tell him apart.
I mean even this post is "presumed".
I think this *might* be Masaru Sakamoto, maybe
Knowzen said:
I think this *might* be Masaru Sakamoto, maybe
After a bit of research on this I found out that the TV version initially credited 坂本 勝 (Masaru) on this episode but then it was changed to 坂本 亮 (Ryō) in the BDs as (I'm assuming) a fix

It's particularly baffling here because the former was no stranger to Precure (he animated on Heartcatch #48 and the Suite movie) or freelance work, whereas the latter was mostly a Doga Kobo animator with very few credits to his name outside of the studio's in-house or subcontracting works from what I could gather. Add in the fact that this episode also had a few other Trigger-affiliated people (at the time anyway) like Hideki Nakagawa, Kazumasa Ishida and Naoki Hiramura on it and it'd have made perfect sense for Masaru to have worked on this instead

I guess it's just yet another example of something pertaining to this industry making all the sense in the world and being entirely wrong because of it, lol
according to Sakamoto's atwiki page, Nakagawa apparently confirmed on twitter that it's Ryo Sakamoto credited here and not Masaru. I'm not sure if the tweet still exists (I didn't search for it that thoroughly) but regardless this doesn't look like Masaru Sakamoto's animation anyways.

As for Ryo Sakamoto I'm not sure on what basis it was tagged, since it's a BD replacement and the original post history is gone, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a different animators work entirely.