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that's some amazing CG BG work for the panda tbh. Hats off to whoever made that happen
this is just drop dead gorgeous.
c1&2 (MC girl and the staff person): Bahi layout only
c3 (cute boy): Bahi genga
c6 (ripped dude): Bahi genga
I love so much these shot of the MC girl and the cute boy opening his mouth, like the movemement is so cool and the fact that the different shots are using fading transition, everything look so smooth !
PurpleGeth said:
c1&2 (MC girl and the staff person): Bahi layout only
c3 (cute boy): Bahi genga
c6 (ripped dude): Bahi genga
by layout you mean the first rough pass before genga or is it another thing?
Blademaster223 said:
layout means rough pass yeah^

It would make sense if pebble did the cut with the gun reloading.
thank you!
c8 (Megumi's pose) : Nakaya Onsen-san (温泉中也さん)
LMFAO WHAT THE FUCK IS PANDA GAME? who is responsible for this?
0:00 ~ 0:02: Bahi
0:03 ~ 0:04: Unknown
0:05 ~ 0:06: Bahi-Pebble-Onsen
0:07 ~ end: Unknown