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could be another case of motion capture?
ofcourse,it's mostly motion capture
I love it but also feel like the realistic motion feels disconnected from all the powerful impact waves that come out of them
hgfdsahjkl said:
ofcourse,it's mostly motion capture
how do you know its rotto'd? this could very easily be animated of someone with enough experience, or otherwise referenced.
Noah_Henman said:
how do you know its rotto'd? this could very easily be animated of someone with enough experience, or otherwise referenced.
still,you can most of the time ((nearly always unless it's tsuru,lol))tell experience/reference from rotto ,I think here it's easily spotted
but put that aside
park said that episode 10 will mostly use motion capture in his interview
hgfdsahjkl said:
you can most of the time ((nearly always unless it's tsuru,lol))tell experience/reference from rotto ,I think here it's easily spotted
Kou Yoshinari: Am I a joke to you?
Osama_TMZ said:
Kou Yoshinari: Am I a joke to you?
I think kou's animation is more confused with cgi animation

I have to say I don't consider animation that is indistinguishable from rotoscope to be better,on contrary ,being distinguishable is what makes it artistic, beautiful and creative

-that's why I don't like rotoscope,yes it's a form of art and all, but it losses what I'm looking for
Noah_Henman said:
how do you know its rotto'd? this could very easily be animated of someone with enough experience, or otherwise referenced.
In this case, Park explained that in the later half of the series he wanted to some motion capture footage to use in the show (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHgxoRz_qC0&t=765s 12:35). Add to the fact that Park and Watanabe are the only big action names on the episode the chances of it being someone with great experience in realism to this extent is low. A bit of a side note but I wouldn't consider this rotoscoping as the process is a bit different from my understanding. With God of High school as shown in the interview they record the live footage, model it in 3d, then trace over that. Pretty cool video all in all, would definitely recommend a full watch.
hgfdsahjkl said:
I think kou's animation is more confused with cgi animation

I have to say I don't consider animation that is indistinguishable from rotoscope to be better,on contrary ,being distinguishable is what makes it artistic, beautiful and creative

-that's why I don't like rotoscope,yes it's a form of art and all, but it losses what I'm looking for
I know I was joking :P. Also yeah I know what you mean, I don't really like rotoscoping either, I don't even do it myself, I get why it is needed, but that same footage used for rotoscoping can be used as just reference and be made even better with an experienced animator.
Realism is meh anyway, what makes Sakuga so awesome is the focus on the movement and abstract shapes instead of the stiff and rigid realism if anything.