How define an "Hisashi Punch" ?
Hi everyone i'm a newbie on animation fandom (also sorry in advance for my bad english i'm french) and i would like to get an answer about the tag "hisashi punch".

I don't find any definition on the web so i try myself to understand what define an "hisashi punch" and i guess maybe the duration of the impact?

So after rewatching this clip from My hero academia season 3 i decide to add the tag but he was removed.
I post a comment about if at 0:25 of the clip it was an "hisashi punch" but i don't get answer.

I think "hum maybe only clip from hisashi mori can get the tag?" but no, if you go watch this clip : you can see that he's not the animator.

I also think it was the frame during the impact which turn black and white that define an "hisashi punch" but once again i guess i'm wrong cause you can see on the same clip that it's not present.

Sorry for this big topic i seek help on this because i really wanna know what define an "hisashi punch" ! x)

Thanks for reading me, have a good day!
Hi, it's not an official term or anything but if I had to describe it, it would be something along the lines of: "A face distorting punch that is held for a prolonged period of time and then thrown with the enemy in the follow-through." If I had to guess it's probably the last part that your clip misses out on, the camera angle moves to behind Deku which doesn't allow for any follow-through as he launches Muscular.

As with all of these tags it can be somewhat subjective because of course not all animation is the same. Hope I explained it well enough.