Why are Comment Rules so Strict for Experienced Users?
I understand why the limit on comments exists, especially for brand new accounts. Nobody wants to make it easy for trolls to spam comments.

However, I've been a member of this site for nearly 4 years. I don't have a convenient method to create webm's and upload them for the community but I do visit the site regularly and enjoy engaging others in conversation on specific clips. The fact that I can only post 2 comments an hour can be very frustrating.

Maybe remove that restriction on accounts that have existed for over 1 year? I'm not sure what the rule should be, but the current system seems to stifle conversation among those who love the site but don't upload much.
The most sincere answer is "because moebooru is a dumb piece of software so it does kinda bizarre things by default."
kViN said:
The most sincere answer is "because moebooru is a dumb piece of software so it does kinda bizarre things by default."
I see. I know there is an effort being made to make the site independent of moebooru. How's that going?
We had a few mockups made but it's still very much in the conceptual stage, because it's a lot of work and we need to be really sure about what we need. Moebooru is... quirky at best, but it does have the functionality to ensure that the site works. We'd like to move to something that isn't just a bit better, but rather something that's essentially perfect for our needs. So it'll take a while! And if you ever have a functionality you'd like to have just mention it, we've been keeping track of what people would like to have.

(Also I just promoted your account here so you should be able to bypass the comment limit.)
Thanks! Glad to hear you guys are working hard to make the new site optimal. Two functions that would be great to have would be:

1. Smarter search. There have been times when I type in the name of a person or show accurately but they just down't show up. It's sometimes fastest to search through my favorites to find the tag. Or I mess up one letter or type in the English title when the tag on the booru is the Japanese title and get a dead end. A search function that can give close matches as results would be helpful.

2. Custom folders for users. Being able to add a great Nozomu Abe cut to my "Best Explosions" folder would be helpful rather than just having all my 3 star ranked clips going to one place.