"Not Really Impressive, Sorry"
I made my first two posts on this website today (both clips from Juuni Taisen, in case anyone wants to know), and when I checked back later, one of them had been deleted with just this message left by whomever deleted it:

"not really impressive, sorry"

I thought it was a good bit of animation, so this whole situation left me with a few problems, first and foremost being that I don't know what's wrong with it.

I checked out a few other comments on other users' deleted posts in the past and all the reasons given for deletion were short, but straightforward and legitimately helpful; by comparison, the way that this comment was phrased made me feel like the person just didn't personally like it.

Additionally, I thought the animation was really fluid and interesting, but the fact that it was deleted, yet other, less fluid pieces of animation somehow aren't is... weird, considering this website's premise, I think?

I know there's more to animation than just fluidity, of course! But still, combine that with the comment I got and I'm mostly just really confused about what's up.

If I mess up and post something that isn't good enough quality for the website, please explain why so that I can do more quality control on my end and make things easier on yours, please!

(I'm sorry if this post came off as rude or entitled in any way, I'm just confused and I want to know a little more about how this website works... and also possibly polish my own animation reviewing skills in the process!)
Under normal circumstances I'd check the deleted upload and have the other mods look at it as well, but whoever deleted it seems to have removed it from the site permanently. Sorry about that! Will need to have a word with whoever's responsible.