
Check our tag guidelines for a sakugabooru specific tagging guide.


Also check our quality guidelines on what kind of mp4s to upload to the sakugabooru.

We recommend you use the foolproof Sakugabooru MP4 encoding tool, as well as the Booru Video Checker, if you aren't an expert.


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What is the meaning of colored stars under a post?
  • Blue: pending mod approval
  • Green: parent post
  • Yellow: child post
  • Bright red: flagged for deletion
  • Dark red: large image file
How do I search multiple tags/isolate tags/sort posts by popularity etc.?
How do I sort posts by episode order/find posts from a specific episode?
  • Search for the show name and "order:source_asc" to see episodes by ascending order (older episodes first), or "order:source_desc" for descending order (newer episodes first).
  • To search for an episode, use "source:#(episode number)" e.g. source:#01. Remember, you have to use 3 digits if a show has 100+ episodes and 4 digits if it has 1000+ episodes.
How do I search for source keywords?
  • Searching by source is similar to searching by tags, the difference is you have to use asterisks instead of underline for spaces. So for example, if you want to search for posts with "Solo KA" in the source, use "source:*solo*ka".
  • Adding an asterisk before the word also helps you find longer keywords that include the word you're searching. So for example, if you search "source:op" you'll only get posts with the keyword OP, but not NCOP. But if you search "source:*op" you'll get both posts with OP, NCOP and any similar keywords.
Why was X post deleted?
Can I delete my own posts?
  • Yes, but only up to 24 hours after uploading. You'll see the option above "Flag for deletion".
  • Deleted posts still count for your daily upload limit, so always check your videos before uploading to avoid mistakes.
I can't flag a post for deletion
  • Posts that haven't been approved by mods can't be flagged for deletion. In that case, just leave a comment explaining why you think it should be deleted.
How do I add posts to a pool?
  • At the bottom of the pool page, look for the "Import" link. Copy the ID number of the post you want to add and paste as "id:(id number)", then search and select the post. If you can't find the import option, it means the pool is private.
  • You can also turn on Advanced Editing in your user settings, so every post will have a link to add to a public pool.
What happened to Mob Psycho 100 and Hunter x Hunter 2011?
  • Those shows were taken down by a request from their copyright holders.
I have another question
  • Ask on the forum, but search for keywords first to see if your question hasn't been asked before.
Updated by ftLoic 2 months ago